Online Meet Submission

Please note a new version of online submission of events is now available.

Please ensure that you select all events required for ALL swimmers that may exist under your profile.

After the events have been select, please ensure that your click the SUBMIT ENTRY button.

Event Selection

Once the entry has been submitted, you will then be be presented with a confirmation of what events have been submitted for each swimmer. Please note that if you only select events for one swimmer, a blank entry will be submitted for other swimmers where applicable. Entries can be resubmitted right up till closure on Sunday night by completing the same process and clicking the submit button again.

Submission confirmation

Entries can also be checked by selecting the the "Meet Entries" main menu option which will load a report for entries received.

Entry Check 2

If you are using Internet Explorer, you may need to use the scroll bar to move the window down to view more elements of the form

If you have any issues, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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